
Delivering care through collaboration

Annual Review

Annual Reviews give members of the public and key stakeholders the opportunity to hear about how NHS Golden Jubilee is delivering high quality services for patients across Scotland.

 NHS Golden Jubilee publishes a range of documents as part of our Annual Review process.

 In this section, you will find our Annual Review Self Assessment, At a Glance ‘infographic’ summarising our performance in the year, and our Annual Review letter, setting out our actions for the year ahead.

 If you require any information on our Annual Review or associated publications, or require documents published prior to 2017, please contact the Board Support Team on 0141 951 5175/5195 or email Board@gjnh.scot.nhs.uk


Title Extension Size Date published
At a glance 2017-18 pdf 193.74 KB 19/11/2018
Annual review letter 2016/17 PDF 2,359.36 KB 19/02/2018
Annual Review letter 2015/16 pdf 1,867.18 KB 12/05/2017
Self Assessment 2016 pdf 160.24 KB 21/11/2016
Annual Review Letter 2014-15.pdf pdf 593.98 KB 01/04/2016
National Waiting Times Centre Self Assessment 2013/2014 pdf 213.16 KB 29/10/2014
Annual Review slides 2013-14 pdf 717.19 KB 29/10/2014
Annual Review Letter 12/13 pdf 200.29 KB 11/07/2014
NWTC Annual Review self assessment 2013 pdf 303.24 KB 22/11/2013
Annual Review Letter 11/12 pdf 795.23 KB 25/01/2013
Annual Review Letter 10/11 pdf 660.07 KB 30/01/2012
Annual Review Letter 09/10 pdf 538.39 KB 21/09/2010
National Waiting Times Centre at a glance 2013/2014 pdf 270.83 KB
At a glance 2016 jpg 5,163.18 KB
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