
Delivering care through collaboration

Volunteering Frequently Asked Questions

 What commitment do I have to give?

We ask for a commitment of at least 3 hours per week for 6 months. It is important that when you are taking on a volunteer role that you volunteer on a day and time that is suitable for you. You may be asked to join a rota which would allocate you a specific volunteering “shift” each week, e.g. Monday 9am to 12pm, or Tuesday 12pm to 3pm.

 What induction and training will I receive?

Once all checks and clearances have cleared, all volunteers must attend our mandatory Corporate Induction Training as well as completing training specific to their chosen role.

 What ongoing support will I receive?

Volunteers will receive regular one-to-one review meetings/supervision meetings. It is important that Volunteers feel that they can enhance and develop their skills by getting the opportunity to experience different roles as part of their professional and personal development.

If volunteering is part of your pathway into future employment, every assistance will be offered to support this, including the provision of a reference if this is appropriate.

 What travel expenses will I receive?

The Golden Jubilee is committed to identifying and meeting the costs of volunteer travel expenses. Expenses are paid on a monthly basis. Alternative arrangements can be made on a case-by-case basis. Current mileage rates 29p per mile.

Contact us now for further information, to book your space at one of our Volunteer Information Sessions, or to request a Volunteer Application Pack:

Maureen Franks
Volunteer Manager
Telephone 0141 951 5423
Email: Maureen.Franks@gjnh.scot.nhs.uk or involvingpeople@gjnh.scot.nhs.uk

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