January 14, 2025

Best friend shows heartfelt thanks for life-saving care 


Image: Eilidh Main (left) and best friend Hollie Whitson

The best friend of a heart patient at NHS Golden Jubilee’s Scottish Adult Congenital Cardiac Service (SACCS) has raised £800 to thank the team for the life-changing care of her childhood “bestie”. 

Eilidh Main, 25, from Caithness, wanted to give back to the service that treated her lifelong friend Hollie Whitson, also 25, who was born with a congenital heart condition. 

Owner of the Little Nail Room in Caithness, Eilidh celebrated their third anniversary by taking part in a local shopping event. This included offering hand massages, products and “lucky squares” for a chance to win a prize. 

She was blown away by the generosity which had been shown to her with donations to make this possible, that she was inspired to give something back, deciding to donate all the money raised to the team at NHS Golden Jubilee in Clydebank, who care for patients across Scotland.   

Eilidh said: “I was fortunate that so many people were being so generous and giving me donations, and I wanted to give back to the people who took such good care of my best friend.  

“The people in Caithness are so kind and supportive of local events and businesses and I can’t thank them all enough for their support.”  

Hollie was born with a congenital heart condition and underwent open heart surgery at the Yorkhill Children’s Hospital in 2013, before undergoing a Pulmonary Autograft in May 2024 at NHS Golden Jubilee.   

A Pulmonary Autograft, also known as the Ross Procedure or the Switch, is a cardiac surgery in which a diseased aortic valve is replaced with the patient's pulmonary heart valve. 

After a long and complicated procedure carried out by the SACCS team, Holly’s surgery was an amazing success, giving her a new lease of life.  

Hollie is now working as a Team Manager for the Co-op and will be starting a Mathematics degree in February to pursue her dream of becoming a teacher.  

Hollie said: “The Ross procedure, for me, has been life changing. Before having the surgery, I could hardly walk up the stairs without being out of breath.  

“I struggled to walk distances and sports was just a definite no for me. Now, I am swimming 5 times a week and go on walks for up to 5 miles at a time.”  

Hollie added: “I was so touched when Eilidh messaged me asking if there were any charities relating to my condition w that she could donate to. It meant so much to me that she had considered me in her charity event. I am so lucky to have the best group of supportive friends.”  

“I just want to express my sincere gratitude towards every single member of the NHS Golden Jubilee team who cared for me during my stay. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for saving my life and letting me have a second chance of this beautiful new life I have ahead of me. 

(SACCS) provides specialist care and expertise for patients from all over Scotland living with Adult Congenital Heart Disease Cardiology Consultant and Clinical Lead for SACCS, Dr Hamish Walker, said: “It is a privilege to be part of a team providing specialist care to wonderful patients like Hollie. 

Having a heart condition does not just affect the patient, but everyone around them. Seeing a friend or loved one come through life-threatening or life-changing treatment can be very traumatic. Supporting the patient and their loved ones through this difficult time is extremely important” 

“We would all like to thank Eilidh for her efforts and this very generous donation, which will help us deliver person centred care for other families who go through similar situations.”