Current workforce

As at 31 March 2023 NHS GJ employed 2186 headcount (1987.1 WTE) members of staff, excluding “Bank” workers and Non-Executive Director posts. The majority of these are in substantive permanent posts, but a small number are in fixed term posts, such as Locum Consultants or Clinical Fellows in the Medical and Dental job family. The total number is an increase of 52 in headcount on the previous year (49.2 WTE). The charts below represent how these were split by Directorate as at 31 March each year. 

Headcount By Directorate

At the end of the period under review 43.4% of the workforce was in the Nursing and Midwifery job family (0.1% lower than the previous year), as can be seen from the table below. The next largest job family, at 21.2% was Administrative Services (0.7% higher than the previous year). 

Job family Headcount % headcount WTE %WTE
Nursing and Midwifery 946 43.3% 861.4 43.4%
Administrative Services 455 20.8% 420.6 21.2%
Support Services 246 11.3% 227.3 11.4%
Medical and Dental 157 7.2% 145.0 7.3%
Healthcare Sciences 147 6.7% 134.7 6.8%
Allied Health Professions 147 6.7% 124.4 6.3%
Other Therapeutic 53 2.4% 40.2 2.0%
Medical Support 26 1.2% 24.5 1.2%
Senior Managers 7 0.3% 7.0 0.4%
Personal and Social Care 2 0.1% 2.0 0.1%
Total 2186 100.0% 1987.1 100.0%


As well as substantive and fixed term members of staff NHS GJ also uses “Bank” workers, which provides flexibility to increase staff over and above its core staff cohort at busier times, and to cover unexpected absences, such as sick leave. As at 31 March 2023 there were 907 bank workers, of which 696 were under Agenda for Change and 211 were doctors. This is an increase of 104 bank workers on the same date in 2022.