March 08, 2019


Chair Susan Douglas-Scott CBE and Equality Lead Carole Anderson collected the Stonewall Star Performer of the Year award to celebrate the Golden Jubilee's decade-long commitment to LGBT equality in the workplace.

Scotland’s top LGBT inclusive employers have been recognised by Stonewall Scotland at an event hosted by ScottishPower in Glasgow on Thursday night.

Law firm Pinsent Masons LLP will be awarded Top Private Sector Employer in recognition of their placing as the Top Employer in Stonewall’s Top 100 Employers list. Skills Development Scotland will be named Top Public Sector Employer after entering the Top 100 for the first time and for being the top performing public sector organisation in Scotland.  The Scottish Government’s LGBTI Network Group will receive Network Group of the Year and Golden Jubilee will be awarded Star Performer of the Year to celebrate their decade long commitment to LGBT equality in the workplace.  Stonewall Scotland’s Role Model of the Year is Maggie Archibald, who in her time at West Lothian Council has been a strong advocate for LGBT inclusion in the workplace.

Colin Macfarlane, Director of Stonewall Scotland, said: ‘’LGBT-inclusive employers play a crucial role in changing society by using their power and influence to proudly support LGBT people in their organisations. Our award winners are all leading the way championing lesbian, gay, bi and trans equality in the workplace. They know that helping staff feel that they can bring their full selves to work doesn’t just make a huge difference to individual team members – it makes real business sense too. They are a shining example for others to follow on how to ensure all staff feel empowered and supported.’’

‘’Our recent research revealed that more than a third of LGBT staff (36 per cent) have hidden who they are at work for fear of discrimination. Whether as senior leaders, managers or colleagues, we all have a part to play in making sure that our workplaces and communities are places that accept and support LGBT people, without exception.’’

Richard Foley, Senior Partner, Pinsent Masons - We are delighted to receive Stonewall Scotland’s Top Private Sector Employer Award for the second consecutive year. For us as a firm this accolade represents not just the work undertaken in D&I initiatives in our Scottish offices, but recognises the action taken across the entire firm to deepen the connections amongst our local LGBT and Allies networks, and share our experiences with the firm’s other D&I networks, and with our clients and the intermediaries with whom we work and interact with each day. This is best summed up by what our senior partner, Richard Foley, has said about our recent Stonewall WEI success: “It isn’t about reaching the top spot; it’s about what the Stonewall Workplace Equality Index stands for and what everyone engaged in it is working so hard to accomplish... Pinsent Masons has created an inclusive workplace that enables everyone to be themselves; from our recruitment processes through to our engagement with clients.”

Carolyn Anderson, Director of Human resources at Skills Development Scotland said: “SDS is delighted to be included in the Stonewall top 100 employers. We are absolutely committed to having equality, diversity and inclusion at the heart of what we do, both as an employer and provider of services. Participating in the index has helped us develop and improve support to our LGBT colleagues. Our inclusion in the Top 100 will inspire us to continue learning, developing and progressing on our equality journey.

Barbara Allison, Director for Communications, Ministerial Support & Facilities and Senior LGBTI Champion at the Scottish Government, said: “LGBTI equality and inclusion are at the heart of our ambition to be a world-leading, diverse employer where people can be themselves at work.

“Our LGBTI Network is critical to building a supportive and inclusive workplace, providing a valuable space of empowerment, community, and constructive challenge to our organisation.

“It has shown itself to be a powerful force for good in shifting perceptions and promoting understanding and we are delighted that the hard work of its members has been recognised by Stonewall.”

Carole Anderson, Head of Strategy and Performance and Equality Lead at the Golden Jubilee said: “Golden Jubilee is proud to have been a member of Stonewalls Diversity Champions Programme for the past ten years. We are deeply honoured to be awarded the Star Performer Award and delighted to feature as a Top 100 Employer for the 5th consecutive year. As an Organisation that is expanding, we are committed to providing inclusive services to our patients and service users and a positive experience for our staff. Collaboration is central to our future plans and we are keen to continue working with a wide range of partners to drive LGBT equality forward.”

Maggie Archibald, Stonewall Scotland Role Model of the Year 2019 said: ‘I am extremely proud both personally and professionally to receive this award, many inspirational people have previously won this award, they have worked and continue to work extremely hard to change hearts and minds with regards to LGBT, and I hope that I can follow in their footsteps’